Whilst browsing the internet over the holiday weekend I stumbled upon a post on F Yeah Lolita concerning a 52 week challenge. This post provided 52 Lolita centered topics with the intention of posting one a week.
How could I possibly resist?
I accept this challenge prompt on one minor condition. The challenge blog topic may be proceeded by my own. For example if I receive an order from Angelic Pretty the review will supersede the Lolita 52 Challenge post until the following week.
Let's get started shall we?
The following are the topics that will be covered in this challenge:
( some of these topics may differ slightly from the challenge source )
5 pieces that every Lolita should have, regardless of style
5 movies fit for a Lolita
Lolita styles I would like to try
My favorite thing to put on my head
Most outlandish dream dress
My favorite Lolita brand
Why do I wear Lolita?
Why is it that I do not wear Lolita more often?
Friends I want to convert
How I first discovered Lolita
3 Lolita fashion trends I wish would come back
Combining other fashions with Lolita
Lolitas I have met in real life
Lolitas I would love to meet
3 things I wish I was told when I was a new Lolita
My other hobbies that compliment Lolita
My first meetup
Lolita trends I thought I would never get into, but I now love
Lolita trends I thought I loved, but now I'm not keen on
How satisfied I am with my current wardrobe?
Lolita as part of my identity
How I accessorize
What influences my Lolita style?
Design the perfect meet up
Best places to wear Lolita
How I get out of a wardrobe slump
Purses that I love
Bloomers or no bloomers?
Lolitafying things in my everyday life
How long do I expect it will take me to build a complete wardrobe?
Impulse buys that were worth it
My best deal
Presenting something that I made
Wardrobe blunders. Things I bought that I ended up regretting!
My thoughts when I received my first real Lolita piece
An unexpected Lolita print I would adore
It is not my style but I love it regardless!
Favorite Lolita hairstyle
Most versatile Lolita item I own
5 inspirational fictional characters
Fondest meetup memory
The ways in which I fit the Lolita cliche
The ways in which I do not fit the Lolita cliche
How strangers react to my clothes, and how I react to their reactions
A Lolita item I received as a gift
Parasols: Vital or frivolous?
The item in my wardrobe that was the most difficult to get
My "signature" outfit
My favorite Lolita print
5 novels fit for a Lolita
Predict the next Lolita trend!
How Lolita fashion has changed me
I hope you are as excited for this challenge as I am!
Stay Frilly ~
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