Saturday, April 23, 2016

Loℓιтα Level Start -- Take Two!

This week I will take a pause from the 52 Lolita Challenge to revisit an anniversary topic.

Last year I stumbled across this Lolita Level Up Quiz. 
My previous score was a 44, which gave me the result of a 'Victorian Maiden'!

Let's see how much I have improved this year!

Loℓιтα Level Start!
You've been to egl.
You've posted on egl, without an onslaught of 'USE THE MEMORIES' and likewise.
You've bought a lolita mook.
You've picked a favorite brand.
You've ordered your first item.
You've worn a full outfit.
You've worn a full outfit out in public.
You've worn a full outfit and posted photos of it on the Internet.
You know what JSK, OP, and cutsew all mean.
You've bought your first brand piece.
You know your measurements.
You know your shoe size - in American, European, and Japanese.
You know who Mr. Yan is.
You know who Mana is. (+1 points if you know his band. +2 points if you know his brand. +3 points if you know why he's featured in every GLB. +4 if you have a shrine to him in your closet.)
You know who Maki and Asuka are. (+2 if you've met Maki and Asuka)
You've watched Kamikaze Girls. (+1 if you know the real name of this movie. +2 if you know who wrote the book this was based on. +3 if you've also read the manga or novel. +4 if you love the author despite his criminal record).
You own a wig. (+1 if you own more than 2.)
You own a pair of falls. 
You can identify lace on the spot.
You can identify an item's brand on the spot. 
You can identify the year a dress was made by a specific brand on the spot.
You can name several different dresses or prints.
You answer stock photo requests. 
You mod a lolita community.
You decorate your nails. (+1 if you wear fake nails. +2 if you make fake nails.) 
You own a pair of a rocking horse shoes. (+1 if you know their abbreviation.)
You've made your own rose corsage.
You've made anything out of your brand dress's waist ties.
You've made anything out of a matching eco tote. (+3 if you were the first one to do it, you think).
You know how to apply false eyelashes.
You know how to pronounce shirring.
You know how to pronounce Moi-meme-moitie, or Metamorphose tempes de fille.
You know a reliable shopping service.
You bid on Yahoo!Japan or Mbok.
You've been to a meetup.
You've planned a meetup.
You've planned a meetup with catering or more than 20 attendees.
You've met up with lolitas while on vacation to foreign or faraway locales.
You've seen a lolita fashion show.
You've seen a brand fashion show.
You've modeled in a lolita fashion show.
You've modeled in a brand lolita fashion show.
You wear bloomers.
You know how to make bloomers.
You tell other people to wear bloomers.
You draw lolita art, write a lolita blog, or provide the community with some sort of creative services.
You've taken purikura in lolita.
You've decorated your room/house/apartment in lolita style.
You've listened to lolita music.
You've learned kana.
You've learned enough Japanese to read a magazine.
You wear or own circle lenses.
You've been called a princess by a young child.
You've dressed up a friend.
You've convert a friend.
You've been in media (television, newspaper, magazine). (+2 points if it's Japanese media.)
You've learned a handicraft, like jewellery making, embroidery, or sewing.
You've become a lolita mentor.
You've attended lolita events at an anime or multi-genre convention.
You’ve organized or presented lolita events at a convention.
You've visited a brand shop.
You've taken a trip to Japan!
You've dressed up and gone out alone.
You're prepared for inclement or colder weather in lolita (coat, parasol, boots, gloves, other climate-specific items.)
You've learned face contouring.
You've made a lolita valentine.
You've got a lolita pen pal or online lolita friends.
You have local lolita friends.
You know how to modify clothes that don't fit you.
You know how to dress for your body type.
You've been in a street snap.
You've been to multiple world locations of the same brand store (BABY Paris, BABY Tokyo, BABY San Francisco, etc.) 
You've created a makeup/hair/sewing tutorial.
You've sold hand-created lolita goods.
You have your own lolita fashion line.
You've gotten a lolita haircut, style, or color.
You've mixed other street fashions with lolita.
You've thrown a lolita party/had a lolita wedding.
You've dressed your child/small children in lolita or kodona style.
You've successfully cross-dressed in lolita style at least once (boystyle for girls and girls' clothing for guys).
You've lolified or made sure all the contents of your purse are cute (wallet, lipgloss, keyring, etc.)
You have a lolita pet (small dogs, cats, rabbits, exotic birds, fancy fish) or have dressed/accessorized your pet (bows or pet clothes). 
You've dressed your significant other or dated someone who dresses in J-fashion/alternative fashion. 
You've read Alice in Wonderland. (+1 if you've seen the animated movie or other variations, +2 if you've seen more than one variation, +3 if you own more than one variation) 
You've dressed as Alice or another Wonderland character in lolita style, or own Alice themed items.
You've made something from a Japanese pattern.
You've found, bought, or made lolita underwear (bras and panties).
You wear lolita daily, or have gone 7 days straight wearing only lolita.
You have lolita calling cards or business cards.
You play a lolita instrument (i.e., piano, violin, harp, French horn, Flute...well any instrument really.)
You can translate yen to your country's currency in your head. (+1 if you can convert other currencies you shop with as well. +2 if you read the news to know how the yen is doing.)
You've sold lolita clothing online (secondhand, egl_comm_sales).
Your article or entry has been put into the egl memories.
You take photos of your outfits/daily outfit photos.
You’ve posted to daily_lolita.
You own a petticoat. (+1 if you own more than one. +2 if you wear three or more at a time).
You’ve bought a lucky pack.
You keep a style diary or look-book.
You can put together an outfit made entirely from offbrand.
You’ve bought offbrand or non-Japanese brand.


Adorable Admirer (lvls 1 - 20) You've started studying or liking lolita but haven't taken that leap of faith yet. Good luck!
Resplendant Rufflebutt (lvls 21 - 40) At home within the land of the rufflebutts and spilling frills from every edge.
Victorian Maiden (lvls 41 - 60) A classy lolita of taste and experience, who knows her way around the lolita social set.
Starry Celebrity (lvls 61 - 80) On page six of the lolita world, you've risen to the ring of the upper crust.
Pretty Princess (lvls 81 - 100) Lolita royalty, truly versed in the ways of the lacey ones, the lolita princesses have achieved a special level of enlightenment.
Ultimate Lolita (Boss Fight!) (lvls 100+) Wow, you've gotten over 100 levels? You're the ultimate lolita with unlimited hitpoints. That's actually a little scary...

With a score of 53 it appears that I am still a Victorian Maiden! It appears that I still have a long way to go but I am ecstatic that I have made such significant progress in a little less than one year.

What score did you get? Post it below!

Happy New Year everyone 
and Stay frilly!

Loℓιтα Goals for 2015 and 2016!

It's finally here -- the new year! 
​Welcome to 2016 everyone!
It is now the time to reflect on the past year and to strive to make this a year to remember. 

Last year I had made 3 goals to achieve; wardrobe expansion, to learn new skills and to stay regular.
Before I reveal my 2016 goals, I would like to go over the achievements I made over the coarse of the 2015 year.

2015 Goals

  1. Wardrobe Expansion -- Last year my first goal was to obtain additional petticoats, bloomers, jumperskirts, skirts and blouses. I can happily say that I met this goal! I successfully added a new jumperskirt, blouse, petticoat and bloomers to my wardrobe, along with a few accessory additions. Success! 
  2. Learn new Skills -- Last year my second goal was to learn how to sew. Not only did I learn how to use my sewing machine, but I even made Lolita themed items for my doll Hitomi! I cannot wait to expand and improve my skills. Success!
  3. Stay Regular -- This last goal for 2015 was centered around my blog and Lolita store being updated. Unfortunately I fell short on this goal. I did not keep my blog updated per month, nor did I make any changes or updates to my hobby business. Between graduation and getting a job things were a bit rocky. I hope to remedy this goal in 2016. Until then this goal was Unsuccessful.

And now the moment of truth! My goals and ambitions for Lolita in 2016

Wardrobe Expansion 
While I did some great work with my wardrobe expansion over the past year I can still do much better. This year my particular goals are to specifically: purchase a Lolita style coat, boots, an additional blouse, bag and a brand JSK with an adorable print. In addition I promise to stick to my main colors of white, cream and pink.

Last year I learned how to sew. This year my particular goals are to: complete 3 Lolita projects for myself and 3 Lolita projects for my Obitsu doll Hitomi. She and I both can use additions to our wardrobe and pieces I created myself would be a truly awesome feat.

Stay Regular
I am determined to make sure that this year I complete this specific goal. My goal is to stay regular with my blog. This means that I will maintain a post schedule of one blog article per week. If I post every Friday specifically I get bonus points! As for Keep A Fallen Star I have the will to update and change it, but I will not make a specific goal to achieve that. I still have to decide what my true vision for my store is.

And there you have it! 

Have a Happy New Year everyone and Stay Filly ♥ !​

Lolita trends I disliked but now I ❤!

I was first introduced to Lolita fashion in the early 2000s, specifically 2007. Since then the fashion has evolved drastically! Styles that were very "in" when I first discovered the fashion are now labeled as "old school" or have been dismissed from the fashion entirely.

Lolita in the early days often involved a go to head piece of a headdress and white as an accent color to every outfit was a common occurrence. As the fashion developed there were new trends that I could never envision adopting, but now I could not live without.

Bold Boarder Prints
​The evolution of boarder prints in Lolita fashion alone is astonishing. While we had the option of being able to wear a dress with an overall print the creation of a boarder print alone added to the transformation of Lolita.
The fashion evolved from high quality appliques to full colored boarder prints!

Polkadot Angel Pony Applique by Angelic Pretty             Chocolate Chess by Angelic Pretty
   2008                                                                                   2011  

Back in the day Lolita dresses were fairly modest with print patterns. These usually involved small floral patterns, polka dots and the like so when Lolita brands began to craft these loud, bold and full themed prints I was taken aback for sure! There was a period of unrest within the fashion as Lolitas tried to establish the difference between the fashion and costumes and this presented a glorious challenge of how to incorporate it without breaching that gap once again. Thankfully this obstacle was overcome with ease and now most of my wardrobe encompass a boarder print. I do not know how I would live without them!


 Bonnets have been used in Lolita fashion for some time, but the widespread use of them has become more mainstream. I had never before been interested in the purchase of a bonnet. I had always thought that my face was too round for such a look and I concerned that the addition of a bonnet would cause me to look far too childish. 

Oh how I was so pleasantly mistaken!

I have yet to discover a face type that this darling bonnet does not flatter. A bonnet is a charming addition to a wide variety of Lolita coordinates. I adore the homage of the Victorian style the bonnet aids to any look as well. I have a particular weakness now for full bonnets, though a half bonnet works just as well. I am so very happy to have warmed up to such a charming and essential accessory.

Wrist cuffs

Wrist cuffs are a common accessory in the Lolita fashion style. Surprisingly it took me quite some time to fully appreciate the beauty of these lace cuffs. When I received my first pair though an online Lolita trade I could not bring myself to wear them for an extended amount of time. It felt incredibly strange to have such extravagant wrists with short sleeves. It was only until I attended a Lolita meet-up that I discovered wrist cuffs could be worn a variety of ways. I found myself particularly fond of these wrist cuffs being placed over long sleeves, I style that I had adopted. Now I find that wrist cuffs are some of my most used accessories!
I hope you enjoyed this blog post! There will be another randomly selected topic the same time next week.

What are some Lolita fashion trends that you disliked at one time but now you adore? Feel free to post your answers below -- I would love to read your opinions!

Stay Filly ~

Most Memorable Lolita Meet Up

It is time for another weekly blog post! This week's post makes number 3 of the 52 week Lolita Challenge. The random number generator has selected topic #41.

What is my most memorable Lolita Meet Up?

My most memorable Lolita meet up so far has to be the meet at Destination Haunt. Destination Haunt is Maine's scariest outdoor haunted adventure. The forest is staged with various terrifying scenes and features many costumed actors who's only job is to scare the living daylights out of you. There is no better way to celebrate the creep of Halloween!

When one of the admins of the Lolita group suggested this event I RSVP'd right away. I love horror. I have had a burning love for darker things for longer than I can remember, something that I am sure will reveal itself in my fashion in due time. As October slowly cascaded by I waited anxiously for my first Fall meet up.

Meet Up Date: October 19, 2013

Finally the day of Destination Haunt arrived. The plan was to meet first at a pizza place near Destination Haunt, and then all go together to the event. I was lucky enough to carpool with Rebecca for the drive! My coordinate for the night involved a long spiral curled honey blonde wig, a Alice head-eating head bow in pink, my white short sleeve blouse, pink ruffled Bodyline shoes and my frilly pink JSK. This attempt to be adorable was slightly shrouded by the requirement for my black winter coat, but sacrifices had to be made.

I met up with Rebecca to relax at her place ( and play with her adorable dog ) for a bit before we met up with the others. It was really fun to socialize with everyone and to be able to appreciate everyone's coordinate ahead of time! After a quick bite we processed to the Destination Haunt location. Despite the fact the we arrived early the place was packed! We huddled together within the line and drew out quite a few curious onlookers and the local Radio Station. While they were slightly confused on how our frills and lace could not be considered a costume them seemed to truly enjoy it. Finally, the wait was over. 

​Once our group was allowed behind the gates -- the true destination haunt began!
While I love horror and frankly the entire horror genre, I am easily startled. While the vast majority of the group moved head first into danger, the same enthusiasm could not be stated for myself. Thankfully for me by the time the other ladies had walked past the actors were curious enough to break their roles to inquire about our wardrobes! I was more than happy to answer their questions, as it deterred their attempts to jump scare me. I think we all earned some serious Lolita points since we moved about the forest -- in the dark -- in complete Lolita attire! Tea party shoes are surprisingly slippery.

In the end the entire event was truly unmatched and unbelievable! I really enjoyed being able to meet everyone and do something out of the ordinary while in such lovely attire. I like to be able to get out of my comfort zone with meet ups, and this event surely took the cake!

What is your fondest meet up? I would love to read your responses!

Until next time. 

~ Stay frilly

My Most Outlandish Dream Dress

Welcome to the second post of the 52 Lolita Challenge!

The random number generator has selected #5, which means this week's topic is:
My Most Outlandish Dream Dress

My most outlandish dream dress would not be accurate without a selection from the imaginative designers of the Japanese Lolita Fashion brand Angelic Pretty.

I interpreted this topic as the most literal definition of outlandish. Which one of my current dream dresses is "eccentric," "curious" or "unconventional"?

With my current list of dream dresses the most outlandish dress would simply be -- Wonder Cookie by Angelic Pretty.

I am completely taken with this dress! The Alice homage of tea and sweets has me captivated. Despite my current wardrobe trend of a smaller print and mild tones I cannot get enough of the vibrant Sax blue and bold print. I want to adorn this print and eat sugar cookies while I read one of my most treasured adventure stories. The print is too sweet beyond words not to love.

I would absolutely purchase this dress, and the matching accessories, in a heart beat!

What is your most outlandish dream dress? Post your answers below, I would love to hear your answers!

​See you next week with the next blog topic and Stay Frilly!

Lolita Fashion trends I used to love.

Welcome to the first post of the 52 Lolita Blog Challenge!

(You can view the original blog post here!)

I order to keep the selection process fair and impartial I have utilized a random numbers generator in order to select topics. This week #19 gives us the topic 3 Lolita trends I thought I loved, but now I'm not keen on.

OTT Sweet
               Over-the-top sweet is the Lolita style that completely won me over. I finally crossed the line from admiring Lolita to wearing it. I had fallen completely under the spell of piles of pastel pastries, carousel prints and wild cotton candy piled hair. My ideal vision of a dress was Angelic Pretty's Milky Planet.
Suddenly my style adapted. Drastically. The Sweet Lolita style I prefer now is entirely different. While I am still hopelessly enchanted with aspects of this style my focus has shifted. I see myself as a Lolita with an interest Classic Sweet or Hime Style.
While I do enjoy the spirit of decora and over the top sweet on dolls or in artwork, it now has absolutely no place in my personal Lolita wardrobe.

Split Wigs
A very common Lolita Fashion trend that complimented the OTT craze was that of the split wig. I was particularly taken with the blonde/pink twin tail combination wig.
Now that I am no longer interested in practicing the over-the-top Sweet Lolita style my infinity for split wigs has deteriorated. My current style is, in my opinion, most flattering accompanied with a natural or solid colored wig.
Once again I find myself taken with split wigs for doll or costuming purposes, but I no longer have an interest in these two-tone wigs for everyday Lolita purposes.

               When I was first interested in building a Lolita wardrobe I believed that the cutsew was the answer to my largest fashion obstacle.
The blouses fit comfortably in all the right for at my bust line. I thought that by eliminating the entire button issue altogether I could be spared.
I was wrong. I could not fall in love with cutsews due to a basic material flaw. Jersey. A cutsew is, essentially, a t-shirt with lace embellishments. Regrettably I cannot adjust to this type of casual fabric in relation to Lolita fashion. 

And there you have it! What 3 Lolita fashion trends are you over? Post your answers below!
~ Stay Frilly!

Lolita 52 Challenge -- Accepted!

Whilst browsing the internet over the holiday weekend I stumbled upon a post on F Yeah Lolita concerning a 52 week challenge. This post provided 52 Lolita centered topics with the intention of posting one a week.

How could I possibly resist?

I accept this challenge prompt on one minor condition. The challenge blog topic may be proceeded by my own. For example if I receive an order from Angelic Pretty the review will supersede the Lolita 52 Challenge post until the following week.

Let's get started shall we?

The following are the topics that will be covered in this challenge:
( some of these topics may differ slightly from the challenge source )

 5 pieces that every Lolita should have, regardless of style
 5 movies fit for a Lolita
Lolita styles I would like to try
 My favorite thing to put on my head
Most outlandish dream dress
 My favorite Lolita brand
 Why do I wear Lolita?
 Why is it that I do not wear Lolita more often?
 Friends I want to convert
 How I first discovered Lolita
 3 Lolita fashion trends I wish would come back
 Combining other fashions with Lolita
 Lolitas I have met in real life
 Lolitas I would love to meet
 3 things I wish I was told when I was a new Lolita
 My other hobbies that compliment Lolita
 My first meetup
 Lolita trends I thought I would never get into, but I now love
 Lolita trends I thought I loved, but now I'm not keen on
 How satisfied I am with my current wardrobe?
Lolita as part of my identity
 How I accessorize
 What influences my Lolita style?
 Design the perfect meet up
 Best places to wear Lolita
 How I get out of a wardrobe slump
 Purses that I love
 Bloomers or no bloomers?
 Lolitafying things in my everyday life
 How long do I expect it will take me to build a complete wardrobe?
 Impulse buys that were worth it
 My best deal
Presenting something that I made
 Wardrobe blunders. Things I bought that I ended up regretting!
 My thoughts when I received my first real Lolita piece
 An unexpected Lolita print I would adore
 It is not my style but I love it regardless!
 Favorite Lolita hairstyle
 Most versatile Lolita item I own
 5 inspirational fictional characters
 Fondest meetup memory
 The ways in which I fit the Lolita cliche
 The ways in which I do not fit the Lolita cliche
 How strangers react to my clothes, and how I react to their reactions
 A Lolita item I received as a gift
 Parasols: Vital or frivolous?
 The item in my wardrobe that was the most difficult to get
 My "signature" outfit
 My favorite Lolita print
5 novels fit for a Lolita
 Predict the next Lolita trend!
 How Lolita fashion has changed me

I hope you are as excited for this challenge as I am! 

Stay Frilly ~

My order from Baby has arrived !

(You can view my original post here!)

Recently I made my first online purchase from a name brand Lolita store!

I have been in love with Baby, the Stars Shine Bright 's designs for years but had never had the opportunity to purchase anything from them directly. I was fortunate enough to have received a $50 gift card to the New York store from my best friend to celebrate my graduation.

After the New York store's most recent product update I could not resist!

Stock Image for Classical rosy head bow ( Pink )
Stock Image for Dreaming Rose Comb ( Pink )
I was particularly taken with the Dreaming Rose Comb and Classical Rosy Head Bow in pink. Once I added my items to my cart I processed my payment through PayPal. The online shopping process through Baby was incredibly easy! I was able to put in the gift card electronically as well as process the remaining balance in the same transaction.

November 1stNovember 7th

I was astonished that my order arrived so quickly!

I received a plain brown square box with priority rate shipping. At first glance inside the box I found pale pink tissue paper and my, rather unremarkable, invoice. I was overjoyed however to see that, amongst the tissue paper, lay an unmistakable Baby, the Stars Shine Bright shopping bag!

I cannot express how happy I am to have my first bag from Baby! I have to immortalize this momentous occasion. A few months ago Vanilla Bear made a tutorial for hanging up brand bags. I will be utilizing this amazing tutorial to transform this bag into a framed art piece once the weather warms up. The fact that this will be my first brand bag will make the bag that much better!
Inside the branded bag I found my two ordered items. Each product had been carefully wrapped in their individual plastic bags before they had been placed in the larger pink bag.

The first item I was fortunate enough to unravel was the Classical Rosy Head Bow!

Classical rosy head bow ( Pink ) by BSSB

Classical rosy head bow ( Pink ) by BSSB
Even inside the package this head bow was a stunning sight! The image from the website pales in compassion to the real thing.

The main construction of the bow was accomplished with a heavy grosgrain. I was able to re-position the bow with ease from it's flattened shipping state and it maintained whatever angle I manipulated it into. The lace on this bow was nothing short of astonishing. All of the materials are incredibly soft, well defined and have a good weight to them. The majority of the lace features a rose motif which can be seen in the detailed shots below.

Classical rosy head bow ( Pink ) by BSSB
I love the details in this shot. You can clearly see the grosgrain ribbon as well as the floral details of the lace. The Baby, the Stars Shine Bright brand tag can be seen along the base of the headband.

The pale pink of this bow matches my pieces perfectly and is honestly a great addition to my wardrobe. What truly makes this accessory special is the design. I love that this piece is a side bow rather than the typical Alice style head bow.

Classical rosy head bow ( Pink ) by BSSB

Classical rosy head bow ( Pink ) by BSSB
It is easier to see in this photo how I adjusted the bow from it's flattened state to it's intended shape. There is no wire or supported needed for the bow since the structural materials are quite sufficient.

Classical rosy head bow ( Pink ) by BSSB

Classical rosy head bow ( Pink ) by BSSB
​I cannot get over the level of detail on this piece. Everything is been assembled with expert care and with quality materials. The head bow is extremely well constructed and beyond charming! 
My only complaint for this piece is that the designers used a black headband as the base and is slightly visible. It is not a problem when it is worn, but the fact I can see it through the pale pink is a slight cause for annoyance. Overall I am extremely satisfied in this piece! I am very happy that I was able to purchase it.

​Rating ~ 9 / 10
And now for the Dreaming Rose Combs!

Dreaming Rose Combs by Baby, The Stars Shine Bright.
I really wanted a piece that was branded with the Baby, the Stars Shine Bright emblem. I also wanted to add some diversity to my Lolita hair accessories. With hair combs I can arrange them the way I want and even built upon other hair pieces.

Even inside the bag the combs were stunning!

Dreaming Rose Combs by Baby, The Stars Shine Bright.
​Both combs are constructed with a secure silver base in which all of the details are built on top of. I was worried that the articles would not be secured properly but that concern was completely obliterated once I could study the combs in person.

The ribbon is an extremely soft light pink with a golden trim. The gold Baby, the Stars Shine Bright emblem adds a truly elegant touch to these accessories while it additionally pays tribute to it's creators.

In the case of the flowers they are constructed of a very delicate but sturdy craft paper.

All of the items used to decorate the combs are of an extremely high quality and absolutely zero flaws.

Dreaming Rose Combs by Baby, The Stars Shine Bright.
The review for this item is a no contest decision!

​Rating ~ 10 / 10

I am over the moon impressed with my small order from Baby, the Stars Shine Bright NYC. With the high quality construction, design and attention to detail I can scarcely believe how beautiful these hair pieces are. I can't even imagine how extraordinary the Baby clothing and larger accessories must be! 
5 / 5
The shipping for this order was domestic and incredibly quick! I received my items in one week, a truly remarkable record for any of my Lolita purchases! The items had been properly prepared for shipment and everything arrived safely and accurately.

Product Quality
5 / 5
All of the products purchased were extremely well constructed and were of an exceptional quality! Each piece is charming, elegant and completely out shadows the stock photography. 

5 / 5
I had contacted this particular Baby, the Stars Shine Bright store with questions about my gift card via email and they answered in an extremely timely manner.

Will there be further purchase from Baby? You better believe it!

~ Stay Frilly